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Wilden embraces Paper Week. A short report of the “A Box is Forever” event

Our involvement in a free workshop to spread the issues of repurposing and recycling with some brands that share our philosophy

Sustainability, recycling, and the conscious use of paper and cardboard: a very powerful leitmotif unites Wilden teas and Paper Week. To celebrate the third edition of this initiative, we at Wilden teamed up with other level-headed spirits to create the “A Box is Forever” event. 

What is Paper Week and how it came about

Paper Week is an initiative designed, promoted, and organized by Comieco – the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulosic Packaging. With Comieco, our paths had already crossed in the fall of 2022 with a tailor-made Christmas gift box: Paper Week was too tempting an opportunity not to meet again.  

This year’s edition, too, was built on a week of events, exhibitions, conferences, and creative workshops throughout the country dedicated to learning more about the topic of recycling and discovering the invaluable power of circularity – all from a  creative perspective.

Paper Week lands in NoLo with a workshop made in Wilden 

For our event within Paper Week, we wanted to involve as many friends as possible. We organized “A Box is Forever,” a free workshop on the topic of reuse, reduce and recycle in NoLo, a chunk of Milan north of Piazzale Loreto that we particularly love for the spontaneous initiatives of various local associations.

Joining us were Fòla, pastry and gastronomy, Scatolificio Di Battista, and Noi libreria, which hosted the workshop. The essence of the event revolved around the concept of sharing: we talked about our commitment to sustainable packaging and raw materials, and Fòla presented some of their famous culinary creations. The result was a friendly moment of outreach and dialogue on a single theme: recycling, paper, and the circular process in constant harmony with nature.

The star of the “A box is forever” workshop

The absolute star of the workshop was a recycled paper box, made by Scatolificio Di Battista. All the participants received a box containing many small gifts:

  • our organic herbal tea Remedium n.8 – Reborn
  • Fòla’s butter cookies infused with Reborn herbal tea;
  • papers with planting seeds from Comieco;
  • Paper Week-themed reading recommendations from Noi libreria like “Dall’orto al mondo. Piccolo manuale di resistenza ecologica” by Barbara Bernardini for nottetempo, “Questo libro fa tutto” by Silvia Borando for Minibombo and “Coltivare l’intelligenza emotiva. Come educare all’ecologia” by Daniel Goleman for Tlon.

The box was personalized by participants with natural colors made from plant pigments, while our own Nicola Robecchi, founder of Wilden.herbals told all the juiciest information about medicinal plants such as properties, uses, flavors, and benefits. To crown this moment of creation, we took a break with our hot and cold Reborn herbal tea and Fòla scones made with Reborn herbal tea flavored butter, served with an apricot gelée.

And now some much-deserved acknowledgments to Comieco for the occasion, and to Fòla, Scatolificio Di Battista, and Noi Libreria for the wonderful company.