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Meet the team: the identity of Wilden.herbals

A conversation with the Wilden.herbals team and the multifaceted personalities behind the project. Today we meet Francesca Biagiotti and Francesco Arena Chartroux who deal with Brand Identity for Wilden.herbals.

When we say that Wilden.herbals is made of people, it is not a sentence made. Each member of the team is a galaxy in itself, able to bring its own personal and unique vision. Wilden was born as a project and vision before he was even produced. In this new column, we tell you about the Wilden. herbals team in tandem as for partners in crime that work best.

Francesca Biagiotti and Francesco Arena Chartroux deal with graphics. For Wilden. herbals develop and carry on visual identity, intervening with a few minimal touches on packaging and brand identity


Francesca Biagiotti: 31
Francesco Arena Chartroux: 29


FB: Art Director
FAC: Graphic Designer


FB: A nice trip by the end of the year
FAC: Toppling the patriarchy

You and the cooking? 

FB: An infinite passion but with poor results:)
FAC: In life food is the only certainty!

Other talents? 

FB: Curiosity towards anything. Blonde hair and blue eyes 
FAC: Tarology


FB: Levis 501, White tee and baptism gold chain
FAC: Folk Horror

Francesca Biagiotti

Working together is:

FB: Confronting and managing to build something better as a fruit of common thought
FAC: Maximum expression of potential

Where can you meet more often?

FB: To drink a good glass of natural wine with friends
FAC: Cimitero Monumentale, Milano

When do you feel “healthy and wild”?  

FB: As I descend a nice slope of cool dusty snow, on the mountains, in winter
FAC: At the equinoxes

Francesco Arena Chartroux