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Remedium n.3 – Digestive

From ingredients to benefits. Wilden.herbals takes you on a journey through herbal teas and the powers of plants.

Remedium n.3 – Digestive is an herbal tea with a fresh and light taste best appreciated after every meal, it promotes digestion and reconciles a correct intestinal cycle.

8 classic plants that balance each other, acting synergistically. The fresh and intense taste of lemon, peppermint and ginger stands out, enhanced by licorice and rosemary. Sage, lemon balm and fennel close the circle of flavors with a sweet and delicate aftertaste that ensures a beneficial and protective effect for the liver.

Glass of herbal tea styled with materials and herbs

Fennel, Foeniculum dulce
Lemon, Citrus limon
Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra
Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
Peppermint, Mentha x piperita
Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis
Sage, Salvia officinalis
Ginger, Zingiber officinale

This is the composition per 100g:

Fennel, Foeniculum dulce

Fennel, commonly known as wild fennel, is a mediterranean plant coming from the Middle East with renowned aromatic and phytotherapic properties. Its seeds are high in anethole, potassium and vitamin C and are particularly appreciated for their carminative properties that reduce and even eliminate intestinal gas; among fennel’s benefits, digestive, stimulating and diuretic properties stand out. Infused seeds release both aromas and active principles.

Lemon, Citrus limon

Lemon is Citrus limon’s fruit. This fruit has uncertain origins but it’s been appreciated all over the world for its wide therapeutic and alimentary use for millenia. Lemon is high in vitamin C and minerals salts and offers a wide range of therapeutic and nutritional properties with great benefits for the circulation, the digestive system, and the respiratory system. Infused zest releases all lemon’s aromas and enhances its digestive and astringent properties.

Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra

Licorice is a plant with Asian origins. It’s diffused in the Mediterranean area, it has a primary role in Chinese medicine and it is used for its digestive, diuretic, purifying and anti-inflammatory properties for millenia. It owes its benefits to Glycyrrhizin, an active ingredient with strong benefits for the circulatory system; infused licorice root is renowned for facilitating intestinal disorders, protecting the mucous membranes and promoting digestion and liver functions.

Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis

Lemon balm, also known as balm, common balm, or balm mint, is traditionally used in phytotherapy and herbal medicine against nervous excitement. Lemon balm stood out in monastic gardens like the Benedictine’s and was a precious ingredient of one of their liqueurs, the “elixir of long life”. Lemon’s pleasant aroma and flavor are due to the essential oil in the leaves: they are used against gastrointestinal somatization disorders caused by anxiety.

Peppermint, Mentha x piperita

Peppermint is a variety of the genus Mentha and a plant with European origins, now cultivated and appreciated all over the world; rich in enzymes and flavonoids, it owes most of its beneficial properties to menthol. Peppermint was historically appreciated by Egyptians and ancient Greeks; now it’s renowned for its multiple properties: it helps breathing better and a proper digestion, tones the nervous system and protects liver and the intestines against flu, colds and diarrhea symptoms. Infused peppermint leaves release all the aromas and essences with a characteristic flavor, leaving a pleasant and fresh sensation.

Mentha x piperita

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary is a classic plant of the Mediterranean culture. For centuries it’s been appreciated for its soothing and medicinal properties; in the Middle Ages it is attributed magical properties and it’s now renowned for its various uses and applications. Rich in sodium, flavonoids and essential oils, rosemary has beneficial properties for the digestive and circulatory system. When infused it helps digestion, has an astringent power and stimulates liver functions.

Sage, Salvia officinalis

Sage is a typical plant of Southern Europe It owes its name to the Latin verb “to save” and was considered sacred by the ancient Romans; it has various uses in European folk traditions, in traditional Chinese medicine and in Ayurvedic practices. Sage is rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids and it has strong estrogenic and antispasmodic properties that turn out to be useful for relieving menstrual disorders and stimulating digestion. Infused sage is a natural relaxant, recommended after meals for its benefits to the stomach and the intestines.

Ginger, Zingiber officinale

This rhizome is native to the tropical forests of India and Southeast Asia and is widely used as a spice and as a traditional remedy. Its active principles (gingerols) make it an effective antioxidant against inflammation, congestion, cough, cold and fever. In traditional Chinese medicine, its action has been defined as a “thermoregulatory function” and it stimulates the accumulation of heat and the body temperature.

Remedium n.3 – Digestive’ ingredients create a well-balanced and beneficial mix. This natural remedium is something more than a simple digestive to keep close at hand. It is a blend able to restore the ancient splendor of herbs and spices and to give a boost to your day. In a natural way.

© 2021 Wilden.herbals – These contents are owned by Wilden.herbals s.r.l. . Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.


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