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Wilden.herbals and neighborhood small shops: Buonamici bakery

The versatility of Wilden.herbals has led us into very different sales channels, while remaining true to ourselves and in line with the reference account. An example? The neighborhood small shop.

If in our city, in Milan, we certainly feel well represented, thanks to the collaboration with Buonamici bakery we have also landed in Florence. Below is a conversation with Silvia, a member of the Buonamici staff.

Buonamici bakery in short: 

Buonamici is a historic store, a landmark established in 1949.
We are located in the city center, but on the side that is still considered popular, the Oltrarno area. It’s a neighborhood where small shops are thriving and where you can still find the artisans of the past. This is a family-run business (by third generation). We bake traditional Florentin pastry and in the last year we have gone back to our origin by opening a shop where we also sell food, coffee and tea. In the past, in fact, Buonamici was mainly a food industry where sweet goods were part of our trademark. This return to our origins is in part the result of the pandemic period, we try to meet our customers’ needs by giving life to a neighborhood shop where a wide variety of quality food can be purchased.

What do your customers think of Wilden.herbals? What is the best seller?

During the winter we had a boom in requests for Remedium Boost, to strengthen the immune system, and for Hangover, mainly bought as a gift for friends and family. But let’s not forget that Remedium Night is also in great demand. Many customers often start with a kit of single bags to try them all, then they come back to purchase the 10-pack of their favorite Remedium. The bulk jar is appreciated for its convenience, but the preferred format is always the bag.

What do you think is the connection between Buonamici bakery and Wilden.herbals?

Care for the finished product but also the quality of the raw materials.

I think the graphic aspect is also a good link between both realities. Customers are very attracted to Wilden’s pack, which goes well with the white background of our products. We keep them in a dedicated corner that has a striking pink wall as a background.

How did this partnership come about?

First of all we were interested in finding out who deals with herbs and spices in an innovative way, and then we also discovered we had a common acquaintance in the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Pollenzo, CN). These were the two main factors that fostered our encounter. In our bakery you can find a line of spiced cookies, to pair them with Wilden.herbals was a winning match. We like the idea that in our shop you can find perfect raw materials for culinary preparations.

Have you ever thought about making recipes using herbs and infusions?

We haven’t done it yet, but we plan on doing it soon. We would like to use an infusion to make cookies. We are thinking about a meditation cookie using Remedium n. 5 – Focus.

Tell us about your typical customer.

We serve a truly heterogeneous clientele, from the elderly who have frequented the bakery shop for many years, to the young thirty-year-old hipster, to the affable lady in furs. In recent months our neighborhood  has been really transforming itself. If before the pandemic, most of the apartments were intended for tourists who rented them, now it is gradually becoming repopulated and trendy. Therefore it does not seem strange to us that Wilden products were also purchased by the elegant lady as gifts for friends, by the mother who put them in the sweet befana stocking, or by the young man enthralled by the pack or by its international aspect.

If you are the owner of a small neighborhood shop, or if you would love to find our products in your favorite corner shop, write to 

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