Cold herbal tea recipe – Remedium n. 5 – Focus
The recipe for cold herbal tea with our Remedium n. 5 - Focus (with basil, maté and mint) is the certified remedy against summer heat.
Every season is right for cold herbal teas, but summer even more so. And we at Wilden.herbals could not miss this golden moment for plants to experiment in search of the right recipe for cold herbal tea. We also talked about it in this article, but here you will find the best tips to prepare your favorite cold herbal tea. Before diving into the options related to our Remedium n. 5 -Focus, there is something you should know that applies to all of our Remedia: the transformation into flavored water takes place after a cold infusion of at least 6 hours. But for an explosion of taste and aroma, wait one night or even better 24 hours!
Cold herbal tea: achieve concentration with Remedium n. 5 – Focus
Have you ever felt out of sync and in need of finding the right focus? Perhaps the right answer lies in a cold herbal tea recipe based on Remedium n. 5 – Focus, a Mediterranean journey with mint, basil, but also verbena and lemon balm for a sweet touch. In our Remedium n. 5 – Focus you will also find an herbaceous taste of rosemary and rhodiola rosea, perfect for going hand in hand with all the energy of maté, ginkgo and centella asiatica.
How to prepare a cold herbal tea: the recipe for our Remedium n. 5 – Focus
Here are the 3 ways to prepare a cold herbal tea that we have experimented with. Choose one or try all three to find out what your preferred infusion rate is:
Recipe with a hot infusion which is then cooled:
- mix 50 ml of hot water at 95 ° with another 200 ml of cold water after 7 minutes of hot infusion;
- it’s ready to drink after 4/6 hours of infusion;
- store in fridge without the filter for up to 2 or 3 days.
Recipe with a cold infusion using water at room temperature:
- use 250 ml of water at room temperature;
- it’s ready to drink after 4/6 hours of infusion;
- keep it in the fridge after 30 minutes of infusion, without the filter for max. 2/3 day.
Recipe with a cold infusion using cold water:
- use 250 ml of still water at 4-6°;
- it’s ready to drink after 6/8 hours of infusion;
- store in fridge for up to 2 days with the filter.
Another way to enrich cold herbal tea with this Remedium? Try adding fresh fruit as we suggest here.