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Cold herbal tea recipe – Remedium n. 4 – Hangover

The recipe for cold herbal tea with our Remedium n. 4 - Hangover (with cardamom, fennel and ginger) is the certified remedy against summer heat.

Summer, the right time for cold herbal teas. We at Wilden.herbals have experimented with waters at different temperatures and different kinds of infusion to reach the perfect recipe for cold herbal teas (a topic we have explored here): this is the perfect one after the wildest evenings. Did you know it? We can truly define an infusion as flavored water after at least 6 hours cold. But our advice is to wait at least 12 to 24 hours to enjoy a real explosion of taste.

Cold herbal tea: regenerate yourself with Remedium n. 4 – Hangover

Ok, during summertime a herbal tea is a real godsend, but choosing a fresh cocktail from time to time never hurts. A point of union between these two worlds is the cold herbal tea with Remedium n. 4 – Hangover! Drink it in the “morning after” for a bomb effect of vitamin C with lemon, lemongrass and orange; and refresh yourself with mint, ginger, cardamom. In our Remedium n. 4 – Hangover you’ll also find black pepper and turmeric, but also marshmallow, gentian and chamomile to quell those terrible morning headaches.

How to prepare a cold herbal tea: the recipe for our Remedium n. 4 – Hangover

Choose from these 3 different methods to prepare a cold herbal tea. With each recipe you’ll get a different result, but all of them are sensorially interesting:

Recipe with a hot infusion which is then cooled:  

  1. use 50 ml of hot water at 95 ° with another 200 ml of cold water after 7 minutes of hot infusion;
  2. it’s ready to drink after 4/6 hours of infusion;
  3. keep it in the fridge without the filter for max. 2/3 days.

Recipe with a cold infusion using water at room temperature

  1. use 250 ml of water at room temperature;
  2. it’s ready to drink after 3/4 hours of infusion;
  3. keep it in the fridge after 30 minutes of infusion, without the filter for max. 2/3 days.

Recipe with a cold infusion using cold water:

  1. use 250 ml of still water at 4-6°;
  2. it’s ready to drink after 4/6 hours of infusion;
  3. store in fridge for up to 2 days with the filter.

o tips to make the game even more intriguing: try Frècc n. 4 – Hangover, our herbal alcoholic fermented, or add fresh fruit to your cold herbal tea!

Square open package of herbal infusion Remedium Hangover with single tea bag and herbs